Behavioral Logic
Behavioral Logic is my term for the mechanism that attempts to accomplish a goal by using sensor data to choose an action. But isn't that intelligence? No. Intelligence is an ambiguous and ill-defined term that means something different to everyone. I explore behavioral logic in these projects:
Before we attempt to create AI, we should probably be certain what the I part means.
Foundations of Behavioral Logic is the result of my work defining intelligence and related terms.
Being a software developer I was, and continue to be, surprised at the non-existence of ready-to-program robotics. Fetchbot is an attempt to make an inexpensive, easy to assemble, wheels and camera robot easily programmable in your favorite language.
I am developing a high-level software specification based on behavioral logic definitions. This software is primarily to test and improve Behavioral Logic Architecture. It is also meant to be a generic starting point for other robotics projects.
A collection of robotics programming tools are also being developed, including a GUI for visualizations, manual and virtual operation, and adjusting behaviors and parameters on the fly.
What a Frog's Eye Tells a Frog's Brain (1959) is the seminal paper on visual processing in the vertebrate retina. Frogeye is an ongoing project to implement the key visual processors described in this paper using a Raspberry Pi camera.
My entry A Logical System of Emotional Desire for FQXI's essay content Wandering Towards a Goal - How can mindless mathematical laws give rise to aims and intention?
I also wrote some (still partially incomplete) interactive examples to illustrate the algorithms and data structures in the paper. Meet Bitey.
Foundations of Behavioral Logic
Fetchbot Hardware
Behavioral Logic Architecture
Fetchbot Software
Programming Tools
Logical System of Emotional Desire